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Cumulative incidence of outcomes and urologic procedures after augmentation cystoplasty.
Classic bladder exstrophy: Frequent 22q11.21 duplications and definition of a 414 kb phenocritical region.
Modified penile disassembly technique for boys with epispadias and those undergoing complete primary repair of exstrophy: Long-term outcomes
Total phallic reconstruction using the radial artery based free flap phalloplasty in patients with the epispadias - exstrophy complex
Health related quality of life in patients with bladder exstrophy: a call for targeted interventions.
Combined cystometrography and electromyography of the external urethral sphincter following complete primary repair of bladder exstrophy.
Gait analysis in bladder exstrophy patients with and without pelvic osteotomy: a controlled experimental study.
2D and 3D MRI features of classic bladder exstrophy.
Complications after primary bladder exstrophy closure - role of pelvic osteotomy.
The management of bladder exstrophy: the Manchester experience.
A retrospective analysis of early experience with modified complete primary repair of exstrophy bladder (CPRE) in neonates and children.
Cloacal exstrophy: a complex disease.
Perioperative management of classic bladder exstrophy.
Congenital bladder exstrophy associated with Duogynon hormonal pregnancy tests-Signal for teratogenicity or consumer report bias?
Bladder exstrophy combined with uterovaginal prolapse and its surgical management: case report and literature review.
Delayed exstrophy repair (DER) does not compromise initial bladder development.
Practice patterns and resource utilization for infants with bladder exstrophy: a national perspective.
Shortened pubic bones in bladder exstrophy: A congenital or acquired phenomenon?
Bladder capacity as a predictor of voided continence after failed exstrophy closure.
Role of urethral bulking agents in epispadias-exstrophy complex patients.
Emotional and behavioral functioning in children with bladder exstrophy-epispadias complex: a developmental perspective.
Candidate gene association study implicates p63 in the etiology of nonsyndromic bladder-exstrophy-epispadias complex.
Contemporary epidemiological trends in complex congenital genitourinary anomalies.
Modern management of bladder exstrophy repair.
Genetics of human congenital urinary bladder disease.
Y chromosome aberration in a patient with cloacal-bladder exstrophy-epispadias complex: an unusual finding.The fate of the complete female epispadias and exstrophy bladder--is there a difference?
Comparison of musculoskeletal anatomic relationships, determined by magnetic resonance imaging, in postpubertal female patients with and without classic bladder exstrophy.
Benefits of epidural analgesia in major neonatal surgery.
Genital reconstruction in exstrophy patients.
Assisted reproductive techniques and risk of exstrophy-epispadias complex: a German case-control study.
Successful pregnancy in a woman after repair of bladder exstrophy.Delayed primary repair of bladder exstrophy: ultimate effect on growth.Is pelvic osteotomy associated with lower risk of pelvic organ prolapse in postpubertal females with classic bladder exstrophy?
Health related quality of life in adolescents with bladder exstrophy-epispadias as measured by the Child Health Questionnaire-Child Form 87.
Persistent histological changes in the exstrophic bladder after primary closure-a cause for concern?
Initial characterization of exstrophy bladder smooth muscle cells in culture
Using a serosal trough for fashioning a continent catheterizable stoma: technique and outcomes.
Phalloplasty in complete aphallia and ambiguous genitalia.
Prenatal diagnosis of bladder exstrophy by fetal MRI.
Urological outcomes in the omphalocele exstrophy imperforate anus spinal defects (OEIS) complex: experience with 80 patients.
Management of bladder exstrophy in adulthood: report of 5 cases.
Female bladder exstrophy: report of 2 unique cases and review of the literature.
Exstrophy polyp is a unique pathology entity.
Successful pregnancy and delivery in a patient with bladder exstrophy.
Urinary diversion in early childhood: indications and outcomes in the exstrophy patients.
Genital prolapse in adult women with classical bladder exstrophy.
Preservation of renal function in the modern staged repair of classic bladder exstrophy.
Relationship between the size of the bladder template and the subsequent bladder capacity in bladder exstrophy.
Delayed primary closure of bladder exstrophy: immediate postoperative management leading to successful outcomes.
The modern staged repair of classic bladder exstrophy: a detailed postoperative management strategy for primary bladder closure.
False-positive pregnancy tests following enterocystoplasty.
Cloacal exstrophy variant with intravesical phallus: further description of anatomy and implications for gender reassignment.Congenital renal anomalies in patients with classic bladder exstrophy.
Colorectal anomalies in patients with classic bladder exstrophy.
Classic bladder exstrophy: orthopaedic surgical considerations.
Effect of failed initial closure on bladder growth in children with bladder exstrophy.

Experiences of intimacy among people with bladder exstrophy.
How dry is dry? A review of definitions of continence in the contemporary exstrophy/epispadias literature.
Bony abnormalities in classic bladder exstrophy: the urologist's perspective.


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